ANTA > News > News Item: Research Invitation - What is your experience of providing care to pregnant women?

Research Invitation: What is your experience of providing care to pregnant women?

If you provide care to pregnant women within your role as a health professional, we would like to know about your experience of:

  • Providing that care
  • Working with other maternity health professionals
  • Pregnant women’s expectations of health professionals

Interested? Have Questions?
For more information about this study please contact Amie on or phone 0418 786 186.

This is a joint project between University of Newcastle, University of Queensland and University of Technology Sydney.
The project adheres to ethical review processes for these institutions. UoN #H-2010_0031; UQ #2010000411; UTS#2011-174N

Participant Information Sheet for Health Professionals

Title: Therapeutic pluralism in pregnancy, labour and birthing: decisionmaking, communication and inter-professional dynamics

What is the purpose of the project?

The purpose of the project is to explore the experience of women seeking care throughout pregnancy, labour and birthing, and provide an insight to the perspectives of the health professionals providing that care.

Who is conducting the research?

A team of researchers led by researchers at the University of Technology, Sydney and Universities of Newcastle and Queensland are conducting this study. As part of the study team Ms Amie Steel is undertaking a PhD under the supervision of Prof Jon Adams.

What is required from participants?

Participants will be required to participate in an interview (for approx 60-90 mins) at a location of their choosing. The interviews will (with each participants’ permission) be recorded using an audio digital recorder. Participants will also be invited to complete a short questionnaire (approx. 5 minutes) examining their communication with their patients.

How will your privacy be protected?

All the information you provide to us will remain confidential and will only be made available to the researchers. Your name and address will not be released and the results of the research will only be published in a form whereby you cannot be identified. All information will be securely stored at the University of Newcastle and the University of Queensland in locked filing cabinets or on a password protected computer database for a minimum of 5 years.

How will the results from this research be used?

The results from this research will be developed into a report and submitted as part of a PhD thesis. Additionally, the data may be used for publication in peer-reviewed/academic journals.

For further information on this project please contact:

Professor Jon Adams
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health
University of Technology, Sydney
Ultimo, NSW 2007
Tel: 02 9514 4913

Associate Professor David Sibbritt
School of Medicine and Public Health
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan, NSW 2308
Tel: 02 4913 8144

Thank you for your interest in this research project.

Ms Amie Steel
PhD Candidate

PDF Download Participant Information Sheet for Health Professionals (PDF 53KB)

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Research Invitation
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