ANTA > Courses > Course Assessment Form

Course Assessment - Submission Form

The First Step...

To have your Course assessed by ANTA complete the form below.

* denotes required field

Institution Details

Course Provider Name: *
ACN: *
Address: *
State: *
Postcode: *
Phone No: *
Fax No:  
Email: *

Contact Person

Full Name: *
Position/Title: *

Course Information

Course Title/Name: *
Qualification: * (ie Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Degree)
Health Training Package Code:   HLT (if applicable)
RTO No:   (if applicable)
RTO Expiry Date:   (dd/mm/yyyy)
Course Delivery Mode: * (ie on campus or other)

Note: ANTA, Health Funds & WorkCover do not recognise Courses delivered substantially online or by distance education modes. See Note below regarding Diploma of Remedial Massage Therapy.

Length of course in years: * (full time study)

Total Course Hours

Student on campus: * HRS
Required attendance rate: * (%)
Student off Campus: * HRS
Student home study: * HRS
Clinic Hours: * HRS
Other (specify):   HRS
Total Course Hours: * HRS

Breakdown of Clinic Hours shown above:

Supervised clinic on campus: * HRS
Required attendance rate: * (%)
Supervised clinic off campus: * HRS
Non-supervised clinic: * HRS
Other clinic (specify):   HRS
Total Clinical Hours: * HRS
Name of authorised course provider representative: *

Note: Diploma of Remedial Massage Therapy

To be registered as a provider with Health Funds including Medibank Private and to be accredited in Remedial Massage Therapy by ANTA Courses must also meet the following education requirements:

  • The foundation/structure of the Diploma of Remedial Massage excluding Certificate IV must in effect be either:
    • 12 month full time course (note - a course that commences in the early part of the year with continuous attendance/study and finishes near the end of the year is deemed to be a 12 month course), or
    • 18 month part time course, or
    • of lesser time than the above as a result of recognition of prior learning or credits with are shown on the academic statement/transcript
  • 20% of the course must contain clinical training to be completed on campus, supervised by a trainer with appropriate qualifications (note - any training completed off campus at a clinic with a practitioner is not acceptable)
  • The following practical course components which require skills based knowledge must also be completed on campus – surface anatomy, palpation, clinical examination, assessment of conditions, treatment plans, tactile therapies, massage techniques and other associated therapeutics and techniques

All associations recognised by Medibank Private are required to ensure graduates meet the above educational requirements before submitting them to Medibank Private to be registered as remedial therapy providers.

  I declare I am a person authorised to certify the information provided on this Course Assessment submission document is correct and accurate and ANTA will be notified immediately if there are any changes or alterations to the course title, course delivery modes, length of course, course units, on campus hours, supervised clinic hours, total clinic hours and RTO status.
Position/Title: *
Disclaimer:   ANTA reserves the right to suspend or withdraw course recognition.

Enter code as shown below:*

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The Natural Therapist

Issue: 32 No.1 | March 2017

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