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About us

The Australian Natural Therapists Association Limited (ANTA) is the largest national democratic association of 'recognised professional' traditional, complementary medicine and natural therapy practitioners established for more than 60 years who work in the areas of health care and preventative medicine.

ANTA was founded in 1955 and represents the multi-disciplinary interests of approximately 10,500 accredited practitioners Australia-wide. ANTA is one of the original Schedule 1 bodies as defined in the regulations of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.

For over 60 years the ANTA name has been synonymous with "Quality" and " Peak of the Profession". ANTA is committed to Quality Assurance and Public Safety by maintaining the highest Qualification and Ethical Standards. Our members prime concern is your optimum health. Working with Governments, Researchers, Educators, Health Funds, WorkCover Authorities and Professional Organisations, ANTA represents the interests of:

ANTA was recognised by the Australian Taxation Office, in November 2002, under a private ruling as '…a professional association that has uniform national registration requirements for practitioners of traditional, complementary medicine and natural therapies…' thereby allowing ANTA practitioners of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Naturopathy and Western Herbal Medicine to practise GST- free.


  • provides an egalitarian representation of all disciplines accredited by the association
  • possesses infrastructure, systems, policies and procedures which enables the association to encompass all aspects of the profession
  • represents the interests of individual disciplines
  • acts as advocate for practitioners of all disciplines accredited by the association
  • promotes the health and safety of consumers of traditional medicine and natural therapy health services
  • supporting statutory registration of natural therapists

The disciplines recognised by ANTA and accredited by the Australian Natural Therapists Accreditation Board (ANTAB) are:

ANTA is committed to continuous quality improvement and providing the Australian public with the highest possible standards for the conduct and safety of traditional medicine and natural therapy practitioners, and addresses standards for conduct and safety through:

  • The high standard of entry requirements for potential members
  • Yearly review of entry standards to maintain currency and ensure relevance
  • Active participation in setting standards at national and state levels via industry reference group and working committee participation
  • Free student membership to the Association
  • Yearly review of the courses on offer within the profession, and courses currently accredited by ANTAB
  • Compulsory yearly proof of minimum continuing professional education requirements of members
  • Provision of “free” continuing professional education seminars in all states of Australia
  • Provision of additional avenues of continuing professional education for members
  • Compulsory up-to-date senior first aid certificates
  • Compulsory specialised professional indemnity and public liability insurance
  • The Association enforces a strict Code of Professional Ethics
  • The Association maintains effective public complaints handling and resolutions mechanisms outlined in the Constitution
  • The Association maintains a National Administration Office, which is open five days a week and staffed by an Executive Officer and fully trained support staff
  • The Association maintains fully computerised membership, accreditation and course recognition databases and systems
  • Provision of communication via the Members' page on the ANTA website of the most up to date information related to the profession
  • Provision of regular Newsletters and ANTA e-News detailing information of current interest to the profession
  • Provision of a Professional Publication ‘The Natural Therapist’, four times a year offering the latest information available on topics of interest to the profession
  • Provision of an ANTA website to allow interested persons and consumers to obtain information about the Association, natural therapies and traditional medicine and the location of accredited practitioners of the Association
  • Provision of the latest up to date scientific information and monographs including:
    • 300 Herbs
    • 350 Diseases & Conditions
    • 250 Supplements
    • Herb – Drug Interaction Guide
    • Supplement – Drug Interaction Guide
    • Treatment Options
    • Organ & Body Systems
    • Drug Induced Depletions
    • Evidenced Based & Peer Reviewed Information
  • Provision of funding grants for research into traditional medicine and natural therapies
  • Provision of annual ANTA Student Bursary Awards totalling $10,000 p.a. to encourage excellence in the study of traditional medicine and natural therapies
  • Setting of standards for clinics, hygiene and infection control
  • Setting of standards for skin penetration
  • Setting of standards for keeping and maintaining patient records
  • Making public the requirements for recognition of traditional medicine and natural therapy courses by ANTA for membership purposes
  • Making public details of traditional medicine and natural therapy courses recognised by ANTA for membership purposes
  • Only recognising government accredited courses that meet ANTA’s stringent requirements (note - ANTA does not recognise courses delivered totally by distance education)
  • Making public details of ANTA membership criteria and qualifications
  • Consultation with Members on matters of importance.  The Association uses the Members' web page, consultation meetings, newsletters, ANTA e-News and the magazine to consult with Members
  • A '1800' free-call number promoted to consumers and practitioners, facilitating a direct path of communication with the Association's national administration office staff
  • A '1800' free-call number and web page promoted to consumers and practitioners, to identify appropriately qualified practitioners in the consumer's geographical area
  • Undertaking ongoing internal audits of its policies and processes of operation and all matters to do with professional practice
  • External audits of procedures, policies & processes to ensure compliance with the principles of best practice
  • Publishing an Annual Report on the activities and performance of the Association
  • Undertaking a yearly audit of its Constitution which includes the Association's Complaints, Ethics & Disciplinary Panels
  • Undertaking a yearly audit of its Code of Professional Ethics
  • Ongoing consultation and collaboration with other professional associations
  • Ongoing dialogue and correspondence with ministers, government departments and regulatory bodies
  • Ongoing research of policies in overseas professional associations and policies of overseas governments
  • Maintaining a Natural Therapy Adverse Events Register
  • On line polling of Members and the Public on relevant professional and health issues
  • Democratic voting system for the election of directors by members

ANTA is a public company limited by guarantee, and is governed by a National Council [Board of Directors] which is elected by the Members of the Association for a term of 3 years.   The Council in turn elects all office bearing positions within the Association, which are for a term of 1 year.

National Council is supported by the services of a full time Executive Officer, full time Company Secretary and full time National Administration Office Staff. 

ANTA practises a policy of consultation with representatives of all stakeholders of traditional medicine and natural therapies, as well as being available to all government and regulatory bodies associated with the professions.

Persons wishing to discuss with ANTA any matters relevant to the professions of traditional medicine and natural therapies should contact the Australian Natural Therapists Association Limited on free-call: 1800 817 577.

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The Natural Therapist

Issue: 32 No.1 | March 2017

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