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Media Release - Oncology massage & Interactive Cancer Services Research

New study to provide insight into integrative cancer services for Australians

Oncology Massage Ltd (OMT) today announced a collaborative research project with Western Sydney University, which will examine the use and demand of integrative oncology services in Australia.  Integrative oncology is a new evidence based specialty that uses complementary medicine with conventional cancer treatment to enhance efficacy, symptom control, and to reduce patient distress.

Chief Investigator of the project, Professor Caroline Smith, from the National Institute of Complementary Medicine at Western Sydney University, says the study will expand upon and update pre-existing research about integrative oncology services in Australia, by examining current complementary provision in national cancer serveries and exploring patient’s preferences and experiences to the provision of complementary medicine in an integrated setting.

“Use of complementary medicine is increasing among individuals living with cancer – up to 63 per cent of Australians diagnosed with cancer have used some form of complementary medicine – and there is a national interest in the development of integrated oncology services,” said Professor Smith.

Cancer patients use complementary medicine for a variety of reasons including, the management of treatment related side effects and symptoms of cancers, to enhance the effectiveness of cancer treatment, to prolong life and to improve their quality of life and self-efficacy.

Professor Smith says research shows between 10-17 per cent of cancer patients in Australia use massage, acupuncture, and yoga as part of their treatment plans and this number is growing.

Complementary therapies are not offering a cure, but will improve quality of life and can offer better outcomes after treatment says OMT Managing Director, Mrs Kylie Ochsenbein.

“Quality survivorship is recognised as vital to cancer supportive care and there is global acknowledgement of the need for effective survivorship interventions to address the long term effects of cancer treatment,” said Mrs Ochsenbein.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data indicates one in two people will have some form of cancer diagnosis before they turn 65.  

The ABS 2013 Causes of Death in Australia report identified seven cancer related diseases in the top 20 causes of death, accounting for 27.5 per cent of those deaths.

Queensland cancer patient of 16 years, Glynis says her oncology massage therapists have assisted with her wellbeing and cancer treatment.

“I’ve been going down this cancer track since 1999; a lot of my courage has come from the help that’s been offered through oncology masseurs,” Glynis said.

“It’s a very special hour that is just for me and I know it makes a difference.  It’s more than just physical… it’s an emotional help, a psychological help, it’s a time where I can manage stress better and just relax and use that time to recharge my batteries.”

Mrs Ochsenbein went on to say “for symptom management, research has shown oncology massage improves the quality of life for people with a history or diagnosis of cancer. The aim of this new research project with Western Sydney University is to understand the needs of people living with cancer regarding access to complementary medicine modalities such as massage, and to support patients before, during and after treatment.”

The research collaboration is an important first step to building research capacity for the not for profit organisation OMT, it provides an important strategic link with an education provider specialising in oncology training.

According to the National Rural Health Alliance, “people living with cancer in regional and rural areas, have a poorer survival rate than those living in major cities” and “factors which contribute to lower survival rates for people with cancer in rural areas include less availability of diagnostic and treatment services.”

Mrs Ochsenbein said “It’s really important to make evidence based complementary therapies such as oncology massage available to Australians living in regional, rural and remote areas of the country. By offering post treatment support in their communities, we can make a difference to quality of life for both the client and their carers and family members.”

“It’s not just the patients that are affected by cancer. Cancer touches everyone; friends, family, hospital and support staff… the whole community.  By reducing anxiety, depression, pain, fatigue and insomnia, oncology massage offers both psychological and physical relief for clients and their cancer support teams,” said Ms Ochsenbein.


Notes to editors
The following references are provided relating to facts stated in this media release:
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013, Research and experimental development, higher education organisations, Australia, cat. no. 3303.0, ABS, Canberra.
Cassileth, BR & Vickers, AJ 2004, ‘Massage Therapy for Symptom Control: Outcome Study at a Major Cancer Centre’, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 28:3:244-250

National Rural Health Alliance 2012, Factsheet 08: Cancer in Rural Australia, National Rural Health Alliance Inc, ACT.



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The Natural Therapist

Issue: 30 No.3 | Nov 2015

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