ANTA > News > NHMRC Paper on Homeopathy raises more questions than it answers

NHMRC Paper on Homeopathy raises more questions than it answers


ANTA strongly believes in evidence based natural medicine practice in Australia. As an organisation representing natural therapists including homeopaths we only admit members who have completed government accredited courses. ANTA provides all members with access to the latest global scientific reports and research databases to ensure evidence based practice is integrated with patient management.

The information paper released in March 2015 by the NHMRC states that based on the assessment of the evidence of the effectiveness of  homeopathy, NHMRC concludes that there are no health conditions for which there is reliable evidence  that homeopathy is effective. What the NHMRC report attempts to highlight is that there is currently insufficient evidence to show Homeopathy is effective. It is important to understand this distinction within the methodology of science and not jump to conclusions.

Through the review undertaken by the Dept Health & Ageing into Private Health Insurance Rebates, ANTA has provided the NHMRC with numerous studies and research that demonstrate Homeopathy's  effectiveness.

The NHMRC paper states:

The NHMRC did not consider any of these types of evidence:

  • laboratory studies
  • studies on animals
  • studies in humans without a specific health condition including:
  • studies investigating whether or not homeopathy is effective for preventing health conditions;
  • evidence about homeopathic vaccines’; and
  • whether homeopathy is good for general health and wellbeing

The approach by the NHMRC to single out homeopathy using the above approach  seems at odds with research best practice and raises questions of ethics and political integrity.

The NHMRC has spent considerable time, resources and funds preparing a paper on homeopathy rather than using available funds to undertake much needed research into homeopathy. We believe it to be in the public's best interest for the NHMRC to instead direct funding and resources towards a more positive preventative healthcare model that embraces and not excludes, potentially viable and cost effective treatment options such as homeopathy. ANTA are at a loss to understand why the NHMRC has deliberately targeted homeopathy in such a negative reactive  manner.

The NHMRC Research Funding Facts Book 2013 published by the NHMRC in October 2014 states NHMRC provides funding for all areas of research relevant to human health. Funding commitment for grants over the period 2009 – 2013 show annual grant commitments  ranging between $749.3 million - $860.6 million.

ANTA calls on the NHMRC to take a more proactive and positive approach to homeopathy and other natural therapy disciplines and the potential benefits they can provide by allocating research grants for homeopathy and other natural therapies including nutrition, herbal medicine, naturopathy,  massage, chinese medicine, and aromatherapy.

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The Natural Therapist

Issue: 30 No.3 | Nov 2015

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