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ANTA > News > News Item: Consultation Forum - A National Code of Conduct for health care workers

Consultation Forum - A National Code of Conduct for health care workers

ANTA has been invited to attend a Consultation Forum on the National Code of Conduct for health care workers.

A consultation paper titled A National Code of Conduct for health care workers will be published on the AHMAC website next week ( ) under ‘Related Links’.

The purpose of the national consultation is to seek public comment on:

  • the terms of the first national Code of Conduct (National Code) for health care workers
  • the legislative provisions necessary to apply and enforce the National Code, and the extent to which national uniformity is considered necessary or desirable
  • proposed administrative arrangements for public access to information on prohibition orders issued by the state and territory health complaints entities that in the future may be responsible for enforcing the National Code.

A draft National Code has been prepared for discussion, based on the codes that already apply in New South Wales and South Australia.

The results of the consultation will inform a report to the Standing Council on Health, a Ministerial Council made up of state, territory and Commonwealth health ministers.

ANTA will report back to members on this issue and ANTA will also be lodging a submission on behalf of members and the profession.

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The Natural Therapist

Issue: 30 No. 2 | Jul 2015

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