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ANTA Submission Govt Review PHIR Natural Therapies 5 Feb 2013

ANTA Submission - Australian Government Review Private Health Insurance Rebate Natural Therapies

ANTA Submission

In the 2012-13 Budget the Australian Government commissioned a review of private health insurance rebates for natural therapies.

The Department of Health and Ageing(DHA) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Professor Chris Baggoley, invited natural therapy professional associations to provide submissions presenting evidence of clinical efficacy, cost effectiveness, safety and quality relating to natural therapies in scope for the review. Evidence in submissions will be assessed by DHA in the context of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) evidence guidelines.

ANTA has undertaken a comprehensive review of research, reports, literature, qualifications and other relevant information relating to natural therapies and provided to the CMO a detailed submission presenting evidence, information and a range of arguments on why private health fund rebates for natural therapies should continue.

Note: the review does not include registered professions such as Acupuncture or Chinese Herbal Medicine.

Natural Therapy Review Advisory Committee

In relation to the review by the Australian Government into private health insurance rebates for natural therapies a Natural Therapy Review Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) has been established and will be chaired by the CMO. The Advisory Committee will provide advice to the Australian Government about the in scope natural therapies that are found by the NHMRC to have an evidence base supporting clinical efficacy, cost effectiveness, safety and quality and can continue to be subsidised by the rebate.

The Australian Natural Therapists Association has been invited by the CMO to participate on the Advisory Committee along with representatives from the Australian Naturopathic Practitioners Association, Australian Traditional Medicine Society, Private Health Care Australia, Health Insurance Restricted Membership Association of Australia, Consumers Heath Forum, Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, Clinical experts and an observer from the NHMRC.

The Advisory Committee will review the findings of the NHMRC and provide advice to the Australian Government about natural therapies that have an evidence base and should continue to attract the rebate.

It is expected there will be approximately 4 meetings of the Advisory Committee between now and 31st August 2013. ANTA will be attending all Advisory Committee meetings. The results of the review are expected to be implemented on 1st January 2014.

ANTA has liaised extensively with professional associations, researchers, educational institutions, sponsors and other stakeholders on this review with a view to achieving a positive outcome for all natural therapists.

Download Media Release ANTA Submission Govt Review PHIR Natural Therapies 5 Feb 2013 (PDF 407kb)

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