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UWS Masters of Health Science (TCM/Acupuncture)
It is enrolment time for 2013 TCM/Acupuncture Masters of Health Science courses.
Interested in expanding your clinical knowledge and skills?
UWS offers the only advanced training in TCM clinical specialties in Australia.
Workshop lecturers are world class TCM experts.
The timetable is flexible & the mix of online + workshops means you can live anywhere & fly into Sydney for workshops.
It suits busy clinicians & gives you an opportunity to study with colleagues.
Study at your own pace - one, two or three units at a time.
In 1st semester 2013 we offer - Advance Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine Specialties (Paediatrics & internal medicine) & Herbal pharmacology. 2nd semester we offer Mental Health, Neurology & Dermatology.
Applications close on 8th February for 2013. Applications need to be made through [course codes 952533 or 952449].
Any queries contact Sue Cochrane at or on 02-46203485.
Use our search facility to find what you're looking for on the ANTA website.