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Chinese Medicine Board of Australia releases consultation paper on proposed registration standards
The Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (the Board) has released a consultation paper on proposed registration standards for:
- Continuing professional development
- Criminal history
- English language skills
- Professional indemnity insurance (PII)
- Recency of practice
In addition, the Board is also consulting on a draft grand-parenting registration standard.
The Board is interested in comments from a wide range of stakeholders about the proposed standards and invites written submissions on these draft standards.
The full consultation document is available on the Board’s interim website to encourage discussion and inform the community and stakeholders.
Released: 5 September 2011
Closes: 10 October 2011
If you wish to provide comments on any of the draft standards in the consultation paper, please email them to by close of business on Monday 10/10/2011.
The Board publishes submissions on its website to encourage discussion and inform the community and stakeholders, unless requested otherwise. There may be circumstances under which submissions may not be published. Please refer to the section on submissions in the consultation paper for details of how submissions are treated.
Feel free to invite any other interested people to provide feedback to the Board also.
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