ANTA > News > News Item: Update - National Registration and Accreditation Chinese Medicine

Update - National Registration and Accreditation Chinese Medicine

National registration for Chinese Medicine will commence on the 1st July 2012 and ANTA has been participating on the Project team established to prepare for the incorporation of Chinese Medicine practitioners into the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS) on the 1st July 2012.

ANTA’s involvement on the National Registration Project Team is to provide expert advice, direction, guidance, support project aims and communication to practitioners.

Members who are registered with Chinese Medicine Registration Board of Victoria (CMRB) will be automatically included in the NRAS, provided registration with the CMRB is up-to-date and they comply with and meet the NRAS requirements and fees.

Between now and the 1st July 2012 there will be a phased introduction of the registration process with the establishment of the national board for Chinese Medicine and administrative support by the 1st July 2011.

A website has been developed to provide updates and information on the progress of the National Registration Accreditation Scheme for Chinese Medicine including the 3 other professions also subject to national registration on the 1st July 2012. The website can be accessed on the following link - .

The website includes information on:

  • Legislation
  • Fact Sheets
  • Application Guide for Practitioner Board Members
  • Application Form - Chinese Medicine Practitioner Board Members
  • Accreditation Arrangements

The next steps of the project are to make recommendations to Health Ministers by the 1st July 2011 on National Chinese Medicine Board appointments and assignment of accreditation functions.

Forums will be held in each state during February, March and April 2011 to provide practitioners with the opportunity to discuss national registration, call for submissions, accreditation, board size and composition.

Advertisements will be placed in all daily and weekly national, state newspapers and publications (including Asian/Chinese newspapers and publications) progressively between Thursday 24th February and Wednesday 3rd March 2011, calling for expression of interests and submissions on the NRAS 2012 Chinese Medicine.

The protected tiles that apply under the NRAS Chinese Medicine are: Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Chinese Herbal Dispenser, Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioner, Oriental Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist.

We have received complaints from members that a particular association is publishing information that could give the impression that members of that particular association will be given preferential treatment during the registration process.

ANTA Members are assured that under the National Practitioner Regulation National Law Act (the National Law) and registration guidelines, this will not occur and all practitioners will have the opportunity to participate fairly and equitably in a transparent registration process regardless of which association they are a member.

Whilst the NRAS for Chinese Medicine, is being developed members should commence preparing their documentation in readiness for lodgement when the board formally opens the registration process. Documents should include certified copies of awards and academic transcripts (including certified english translations if in chinese), records of continuing professional education, documentation of evidence of practice and proof of identity.

ANTA will keep you informed of progress on the establishment of the National Registration Accreditation Scheme.

ANTA National Council
22nd February 2011

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